Request for Access to Alumni-Only Pages

The alumni-only pages of this website are on secure, password protected web pages for access only by approved members of the Ganado Mission High School (GMHS) alumni. If you have attended GMHS and would like to access the alumni-only pages, please complete the on-line form below to obtain your username and password. A red astrick (*) indicates a required field. Don‘t forget to check the Access Agreement checkbox. The information you provide on this form will be used only for correspondence and alumni membership verification, and will be kept strictly confidential unless you authorize it for posting in the Alumni Directory.

When finished, click on the
Enter button.

* Last* FirstMiddle (or M.I.)
* Street 1
Street 2
* City    * State (or Tribal land)     * Zip Code
   (optional but preferred)
   (optional but preferred)
Dates Attended GMHSYear Graduated

If you would like to request a particular username and password, you can do so in this section. If either or both of these fields are left blank, the webmaster will assign you a value for the missing username and/or password.

Requested Username:  
 Enter your requested username in the space above. (Must consist of alpha-numeric characters only, not to exceed 18 characters. These include all letters A-Z (both upper and lower case), all digits 0-9, and the hyphen and underscore characters. No spaces. This will be your assigned username if it meets these requirements and is still available.)
Requested Password:  
  Enter your requested password in the space above. (Must not exceed 18 characters, but should be at least 8 characters long. All alpha-numeric and punctuation characters are allowed, but not spaces. For security, we require that the password not be any actual word of the English language. A typical hacker has software that can try every word in the dictionary in just a few seconds. Common given names (eg. John, Joe, Susan) are also discouraged. This will be your assigned password if it meets these requirements. Tip -- Use of numbers and punctuation characters as well as letters will make your password more difficult to break.)
Confirm Password:  
  Please confirm your password request by re-entering your requested password in the space above. You will be notified immediately by an error message if the two entered passwords do not match.

Please complete this section if you would like your name and contact information posted in the Alumni Directory. This information is stored on a secure, password protected page, and only approved GMHS alumni are granted access.

Please indicate below how you wish to be contacted concerning your new password, or if you need to be reminded of it in the future.  You must check at least one checkbox.

   E-mail  (Must provide e-mail address in the above form)
   Telephone  (Must provide telephone number in the above form)
Note -- We will not recite passwords into answering machines or voice mail boxes.
   U.S. Mail  (Be sure to enter complete and accurate address in the above form.)

  In accessing the alumni-only pages of this website, I agree to abide by the terms stated in the Access Agreement below.

Access Agreement

             In being granted access to the alumni-only pages of the Ganado Mission Panthers (GMP) website, I hereby agree to not disclose any information contained therein to a third party without the consent of the person(s) to whom the information pertains. This includes images as well as text. I also agree to keep my password confidential to the best of my ability. If, however, I believe a compromise of my password may have occurred, I agree to immediately contact the Webmaster of the GMP website and request a change of password. If web-browsing in a public setting, I agree to not leave the computer unattended while logged onto the alumni-only pages. I understand that I am still logged on if the Logout from members-only pages button (with yellow text and red background) appears at the bottom of the page I am visiting, even if that page is not an alumni-only page. In order to logout, I must either click on this logout button, leave the GMP website, or shutdown/restart the computer. I realize that while I am logged on, my computer can be used to access either public or alumni-only pages without re-entering my username and password.

Also, I understand that unauthorized access to these website pages could expose GMHS alumni members, including myself, to undesired bulk e-mail (sometimes hundreds of messages per day), fraudulent solicitations, and possible misuse of identity.