Blast from the Past

If you have fun and fond memories of your experience at the Ganado Mission School or the years following, and would like to share some of them, please contact to see about getting a page in this section. Stories and pictures are welcome. You can also, for example, post a story about an event fifty-some years ago, and ask for responses from those who were at the event. Maybe you don't remember which team won the baseball game the year you graduated, and would like to get in touch with someone who does. Another possibility may be to ask who still has the recipe for your favorite stew (which you lost years ago). Or, maybe you have a group picture from GMHS, and are trying to remember the names of your colleagues in it. As with the rest of this website, it is our hope that this page will help bring us closer together even though we are now hundreds of miles apart. Links to the pages containing contributions from GMA members are provided below.

(Background image for this page provided by Mr. Curtis Cesspooch)